The Heart of Mesopotamia; Diyarbakır and Mardin
Ancient Mesopotamia: "The Land Between Two Rivers"

Our idea – what will expect you at Mesopotamia Tango Marathon?
We will visit 2 fascinating ancient cities of Mesopotamia: Diyarbakır and Mardin. In these historical and cultural tours, we will get to know more about the "place" we dance in, and we will dance magical dances on the traces of human history from the starting point until now. Those who love shopping will only be able to buy unique handmade items produced in these ancient cities. We will have local breakfasts in the morning and taste delicious local dishes for dinner. For wine lovers, we will visit the houses of Assyrian friends to taste handcrafted Assyrian wines. Milongas accompanied by internationally famous Tango DJs will be waiting for us on the nights we return with these unforgettable memories. In these milongas, we will dance tango until the morning with the inspiration and magic we get from Mesopotamia! After? Then crazy After Parties will be waiting for those who survive!
2 Ancient Cities Tour of Mesopotamia
4 Milonga Accompanied by International Famous DJs
Local Foods, Local Wines, Traditional Nights, After Parties, Surprise Events
Previous Editions
Welcome to Diyarbakır!
Welcome to Mesopotamia!
14:00 Hotel check-in.
18:00 Tango Group Class.
20:30 Welcome Milonga Sumerians
with DJ İbrahim Seçilmiş